Some of these deals aren’t what they appear to be at first glance. | Screenshot:

Everybody loves a good deal. That’s largely the appeal behind e-commerce “holidays” like Amazon Prime Day. The only problem is while you’re lured in by the promise of paying less, you might actually find yourself bamboozled.

In recent years, Amazon’s become a minefield of legitimate products mixed with counterfeits. It’s not just charlatans peddling snake oil, either. (Though, there’s plenty of that, too.) The problem has gotten so bad that Amazon’s own products have been hijacked by counterfeiters, and in 2020, the company launched a Counterfeit Crimes Unit to combat the sheer number of knockoffs on its site. In 2021, Amazon claimed it had blocked over 10 billion phony listings.

And that’s just the fake products. A 2019 Wall Street…

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