Feature Packed
The Verge has been committed to longform journalism since our very first day. We launched with a story called “Condo at the End of the World,” and we’ve been publishing…
The Verge has been committed to longform journalism since our very first day. We launched with a story called “Condo at the End of the World,” and we’ve been publishing…
“What in God’s name is Joe Biden trying to say?” the anchors ask.
When The Verge launched on November 1st, 2011, the iPhone 4S was Apple’s newest phone. The Galaxy Nexus was imminent. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 were modern game consoles.…
It’s been 10 years! You’re still here Continue reading…
Illustration by Micha Huigen We didn’t realize how much doctors would be seeing of our health data Continue reading…
Illustration by Micha Huigen It’s pure chaos Continue reading…
Puppet president continues to humiliate himself and the country on the world stage.
The push to allow the government to force every American to obtain a unique patient identifier is being justified as a means to efficiently monitor Americans’ ‘contact and immunization’ status.
Over its 10-year history, The Verge has reviewed hundreds of products: smartphones that have changed the way that we communicate, take photos, and engage with the world; incredible laptops that…