Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

The makers behind the Bored Apes Yacht Club (BAYC) are no longer a mystery — a BuzzFeed News report reveals them as Greg Solano and Wylie Aronow, two men from Florida. Solano is a 32-year-old writer and editor behind the pseudonym Gargamel, while the 35-year-old Aronow goes by Gordon Goner.

Got doxxed against my will. Oh well.

Web2 me vs. Web3 me

— GordonGoner.eth (@GordonGoner) February 5, 2022

After BuzzFeed’s article was posted, the two later responded to the situation with the “Web2 me vs. Web3 me” meme on Twitter, in which you essentially compare a photo of yourself in the real world with an NFT or avatar that’s supposed to represent you in the metaverse. Both Aronow and Solano compare pictures of…

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