Ride away on your low-emission scooter branded by your favorite big oil corp. | Image: Shell

Shell, the company known for selling gasoline to fill your car, is trying to diversify with other forms of transit, like making electric scooters. That’s right, instead of driving to the red and yellow mollusk in one of the corners of your town for a fossil fuel fill-up, you can just ride with it on a battery-powered Shell Ride scooter.

Shell itself isn’t the one building and selling them. Rather, the gas company licensed out its name to US-based manufacturer Lotus International last year, which then gave birth to Shell Ride-branded e-scooters and e-bikes. Lotus handles the marketing, too — including making an unboxing video of its Shell Ride SR-5S Electric Scooter that’s capable of up to 20 miles of range, up to 15mph speeds, and sells…

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