Border Patrol catches illegals carrying “explosive devices the size of cannon balls”

US Senator John Barrasso said on Tuesday that Border Patrol agents recently caught migrants coming through the US-Mexico border with explosive devices the size of cannon balls.

“We have just returned from our southern border and it is painfully clear that with Joe Biden’s open border policy, our country is really at an increased threat for a terrorist attack,” Barrasso said during a press conference.

“A couple days before we got there alert border agents were able to seize immigrants carrying with them IEDs, explosive devices really tailor made for terrorism. They were the size of cannon balls.”

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) did not immediately respond to Sputnik’s inquiry on this matter.

According to lawmakers, in fiscal year 2023 alone, 169 migrants on the FBI’s terrorism watchlist were apprehended along the US southern border.

Senator Ted Cruz during the press conference stressed that President Joe Biden’s supplemental request to Congress on border security would only further facilitate the flow of migrants coming into the US from the southern border.

Biden’s $106 billion supplemental request includes $6.4 billion for border security.

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