Hasn’t been called on to ask a single question for six months

During a press briefing Tuesday, New York Post reporter Steven Nelson accused White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre of being “anti-democratic” for again refusing to call on him for a question.

Nelson is clearly at the end of his tether, having not been allowed to ask a single question for months now, presumably because he works for the New York Post, which exposed the Hunter Biden scandal.

As Jean-Pierre wrapped up the briefing, Nelson yelled out “It’s anti-democratic to refuse questions from one of our country’s four largest newspapers, Karine!”


The New York Post’s @stevennelson10 calls out Karine Jean-Pierre over her refusal to call on him during press briefings: “It’s anti-democratic to refuse questions from one of our country’s four largest newspapers, Karine!” pic.twitter.com/Tb8rVwkypf

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 31, 2023

Three weeks ago, Nelson also yelled out at Jean-Pierre in a briefing, stating “You haven’t called on me in two seasons, Karine.”

“And I’m not calling on you today,” the Press Secretary flippantly shot back.

“You should be ashamed of that,” Nelson responded, adding “That shows disrespect to a free and independent media, to blacklist one of our country’s largest and most widely read newspapers, Karine … that shows contempt for a free and independent press.”

Biden’s mouthpiece then claimed she was calling on someone else who she hadn’t gone to for a long time and moved on.


REPORTER (@stevennelson10): “You haven’t called on me in two seasons, Karine!”

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: “I’m not calling on you today!”

REPORTER: “You should be ashamed of that! That shows disrespect to a free and independent media!” pic.twitter.com/YVCrTmgxKy

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 11, 2023

Nelson noted that he hasn’t been called on since May:

The @NYPost is our country’s oldest daily newspaper. We have 4th-largest print circulation and only NY Times has more web traffic@PressSec last called on me in May, and on a colleague in July. The May exchange was also about press freedom issues: https://t.co/lNhoE8KSfD https://t.co/4FdRDZvlQ3

— Steven Nelson (@stevennelson10) October 11, 2023

The reason Nelson has been frozen out, aside from who he works for, is that he continually asks awkward questions, like this one:

Reporter: “Why did the Ukraine/FBI informant file refer to you as the ‘big guy?'”

Biden: “Why’d you ask such a dumb question?” pic.twitter.com/KLhHh4DAjb

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 15, 2023

And this one:

President Biden turned and grinned — without saying a word — tonight when I asked about @ChuckGrassley saying alleged Ukrainian bribe-giver claims to have tapes https://t.co/R2mhPKUt3Y pic.twitter.com/Z8JI7pENzq

— Steven Nelson (@stevennelson10) June 13, 2023

And this one:

“Can you explain why the president interacted with so many of his son’s foreign business associates!? More than half of voters told CNN they believe the president was involved and he lied! You can’t have a response to that, Karine?”

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: *walks out* pic.twitter.com/mSusQmrNbh

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 13, 2023

At this point Jean-Pierre basically comes out of every briefing having provided no answers to any questions:

100 times Karine Jean-Pierre — Biden’s top spokesperson — just didn’t have anythingpic.twitter.com/PPlLccxSOT

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 2, 2022

She refused to say how much longer she intends to stay in the role:

Karine Jean-Pierre — among the least competent press secretaries in modern American history — refuses to say how much longer she intends to stay in the role pic.twitter.com/fcdKwG8gjM

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 31, 2023


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