AOC Goes Off On AIPAC: ‘They Are An Extremist Organization’

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) went off on AIPAC on Tuesday, labeling the pro-Israel lobbying group an “extremist organization” that “destabilizes US democracy.” 

She made the comments in response to AIPAC smearing Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) as an anti-Semite for not wanting America to fund Israel’s wars.

“AIPAC endorsed scores of Jan 6th insurrectionists. They are no friend to American democracy,” AOC said. “They are one of the more racist and bigoted PACs in Congress as well, who disproportionately target members of color. They are an extremist organization that destabilizes US democracy.”

AIPAC endorsed scores of Jan 6th insurrectionists. They are no friend to American democracy.

They are one of the more racist and bigoted PACs in Congress as well, who disproportionately target members of color.

They are an extremist organization that destabilizes US democracy.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 1, 2023

She retweeted this post from Justice Democrats:

In fact, AIPAC endorsed 109 Republican members of Congress that voted to overturn Joe Biden’s election—including the current Speaker Mike Johnson.

— Justice Democrats (@justicedems) November 1, 2023

And she also retweeted this post from Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI): 

Got to admit, this sums up how many feel about what @AIPAC really is about. Insurrectionists, WTF. No friend of democracy.

— Mark Pocan (@MarkPocan) November 1, 2023

“Rep @MarkPocan is right,” AOC said in a follow-up post on Wednesday. “It is past time for us to recognize how toxic of a presence AIPAC has been in our political system. They actively boost candidates who tried to overthrow the US election & run smear campaigns on members of Congress who stand up for human rights. Enough.”

Rep @MarkPocan is right.

It is past time for us to recognize how toxic of a presence AIPAC has been in our political system.

They actively boost candidates who tried to overthrow the US election & run smear campaigns on members of Congress who stand up for human rights. Enough

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 1, 2023

AIPAC criticized Pocan for “singling AIPAC out”:

Got to admit, @MarkPocan is a hypocrite.

Singling AIPAC out for doing the exact same thing PACs supporting him do.

Surely, for the sake of consistency, he will condemn them too and return the six-figures he took from those PACs last cycle, right?

— AIPAC | Text ISRAEL to 24722 | #StandWithIsrael (@AIPAC) November 1, 2023

They also attacked AOC once again. 

“@AOC and the Squad summed up: People who disagree with us are racist,” AIPAC — who labels everyone who disagrees with them anti-Semites — said. 

More of the same tired lies & spin.@AOC and the Squad summed up: People who disagree with us are racist.
⁰AIPAC stands with pro-Israel Democrats and Republicans of all races, genders, and backgrounds who support the US-Israel alliance.

And we oppose those who don’t, like you.

— AIPAC | Text ISRAEL to 24722 | #StandWithIsrael (@AIPAC) November 1, 2023


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