Owen Shroyer is the canary in the coal mine! Infowars can exclusively confirm Owen is in solitary confinement for 30 days. These are the times we live in!

Alex Jones breaks down the powerful footage of the House Judiciary Subcommittee investigating the disturbing reports about the mistreatment of journalist Owen Shroyer, who is in federal prison for free speech.

During Tuesday’s House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) grilled Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters about “disturbing allegations of political retaliation” by the agency.

My office has received disturbing allegations of political retaliation by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons against @JohnStrandUSA and @OwenShroyer1776.

I’m looking forward to taking up Director Peters on her offer for on-site visits to investigate how J6 defendants are being treated. pic.twitter.com/pNedDMLfIT

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) November 7, 2023

During the hearing, Gaetz raised alarm to Peters over disturbing allegations that Owen Shroyer and others were being mistreated “in order to send a message to other people.”

“I get that you can’t know the conditions of every single prisoner throughout the bureau, but this is one I’ve ripened and sent to you because I am worried that throughout the Department of Justice and what we’ve endured, there are some people who are sort of being used as pawns, they’re being mistreated in order to send a message to other people. 

I’m grateful you have said that is not your doctrine & you do not want to see that happen, but you also haven’t been able to share with us in entire confidence that it isn’t happening in some cases. And I’m worried that it’s happening here.

Have you heard of the matter of Owen Shroyer?”

Peters responded, “No that name is not familiar to me.”

Gaetz replied to Peters by expressing concern about the persecution of anyone related to the events on January 6th as well as eagerness to conduct “site visits” to monitor how prisoners are being treated.

“Very similar fact pattern, you know, somebody who spoke out, was prominent in the public, was convicted as a consequence of activities on January 6th and now feels as though there is specific Bureau of Prison retaliation.

I don’t think any group of people should be retaliated against, so I look forward to taking you up on the offer to perhaps go and do some site visits and see how people are being treated and get that information directly. So I hope I get prompt cooperation from OLA.”


Rep. Matt Gaetz Advocates For Owen Shroyer Over Alleged Mistreatment by Bureau of Prisons


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