Former Navy lieutenant Tony Bobulinski recorded operatives begging him not to blow the whistle on Biden family corruption

Former Navy lieutenant Tony Bobulinski, the Biden family whistleblower who recorded operatives begging him not to blow the whistle (“You’re just gonna bury all of us man”), may receive a knock from the Biden DOJ, after NBC News reports that Hunter Biden wants him investigated.

According to the report, Bobulinski allegedly made false statements to the FBI.

“Specifically, we recently received information demonstrating that numerous statements made by Mr. Bobulinski in Washington, D.C. during an interview with the FBI on October 23, 2020, concerning our client, Hunter Biden, are false,” writes Hunter’s defense attorney, Abbe D. Lowell.

Hunter is asking that Biden-appointed DA for Washington DC, Matthew Graves, head the investigation. Graves was appointed by Biden after working on his 2020 presidential campaign as an unpaid policy advisor, according to the Daily Caller, citing a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire. Graves also donated to Biden’s 2020 campaign while he was an attorney in the private sector.

Graves testified to the House Judiciary Committee in October and confirmed he refused to partner with Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss on potentially charging Hunter Biden for alleged tax offenses, according to a transcript reviewed by the Daily Caller.

Bobulinski’s FBI interview in October 2020 was summarized by an FBI FD-302 form released in September by the House Ways and Means Committee as part of a trove of documents supporting testimony from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.

Lowell disputes Bobulinski’s claim to the FBI that he was present in Miami for a meeting Hunter Biden held with Chinese business associate Ye Jianming, the chairman of Chinese infrastructure company CEFC, NBC reported. -Daily Caller

Bobulinski told the FBI that he had attended the Miami meeting, where they discussed the work that the Biden family was doing for CEFC beginning when Joe was VP.

“CEFC had used its relationship with HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN – and the influence attached to the BIDEN name – to advance CEFC’s interests abroad. HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN did not receive any monetary compensation for their assistance in these projects. HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN did not receive any compensation because JOSEPH BIDEN was still VPOTUS during this time period,” reads the document.

On Aug. 8, 2017, per Senate report, CEFC began a series of wire transfers to a pass through to Biden’s law firm that totaled $4.7 million over the next year.

Bobulinski says he had no idea that CEFC struck deal with Hunter and Jim.

— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 25, 2020

“There was a concern it would be improper for payments to be made to HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN by CEFC due to its close affiliation with the Chinese government. HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN both wanted to be compensated for the assistance they had provided to CEFC’s ventures; in particular, they believed CEFC owed them money for the benefits that accrued to CEFC through its use of the BIDEN family name to advance their business dealings.”

According to the report, Bobulinski was one of the business associates who discussed a “sinohawk” venture with CEFC, which Joe Biden was potentially going to be involved in, per the FD-302 form. Bobulinski told the FBI that he met with Joe Biden in Beverly Hills, California to discuss.

The proposed joint venture with CEFC appeared to be the subject matter of an infamous email thread where business associate James Gilliar referred to Joe Biden as “the big guy” in a message about potential equity distribution.

“10 held by H for the big guy?” Gilliar asked his colleagues, the email shows. He suggested making Hunter Biden chair of the company and Bobulinski the CEO.

The “sinohawk” venture appeared to fall through, and instead Hunter Biden and James Biden set up a joint venture with CEFC called Hudson West III in August 2017, according to bank records released Wednesday by the House Oversight Committee.

Hunter Biden and Jianming appeared to change the terms of the joint venture at the Miami meeting, emails released by the Ways and Means Committee show. -Daily Caller

“My Understanding is that the original agreement with the Director was for consulting fees based on introductions alone a rate of $10M per year for a three year guarantee total of $30M. The chairman changed that deal after we me in MIAMI TO A MUCH MORE LASTING AND LUCRATIVE ARRANGEMENT to create a holding company 50% percent owned by ME and 50% owned by him,” Hunter emailed Chinese business associate Gongwen Dong on Aug. 2, 2017.

Tony Bobulinski found out through the Senate report a few weeks ago that Hunter and Jim Biden had a side deal with CEFC China Energy.

Here’s Bobulinski’s message to Jim Biden about that.

“The fact that you and [Hunter Biden] were lying…”

— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 25, 2020

“Consulting fees is one piece of our income stream but the reason this proposal by the chairman was so much more interesting to me and my family is that we would also be partners inn the equity and profits of the JV’s investments,” he continued. “Hence I assumed the reason for our discussion today in which you made clear that the Chaireman [sic] would first get his investment capital returned in the profits would then be split 50/50. If you saying that is not the case then please return us to the original deal 10M per year a guaranteed 3 years plus bonus payments for any successful deal we introduce.”

Read the rest here, and see what Bobulinski claims about the Bidens, in his own words.

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