Comes as Israel faces massive international backlash from the staggering Palestinian death toll amid its war against Hamas in Gaza.

Israel is seeking to appoint former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as a “humanitarian coordinator” for the Gaza Strip to reduce international pressure for a ceasefire amid its ongoing war with Hamas that’s resulted in massive civilian casualties.

The civilian collateral damage of at least 10,000 dead from Israel’s assault on Gaza has prompted major international condemnation, putting Israel’s public relations on the defensive and forcing it to find new ways to address the humanitarian concerns.

“The report indicated Blair has been contacted on the matter and talks have been ongoing in recent weeks. The former British leader’s office told Ynet in response that ‘he has not been given or offered a position,’ but did not directly deny any contact,” The Times of Israel reported Sunday.

“Ynet said the exact definition, scope and authority of the proposed role had not yet been clearly defined, adding that there would be an emphasis on ‘providing medical treatment and medicines, and on the possibility of evacuating the wounded and sick from the Strip.’”

“According to the report, efforts at easing the humanitarian situation in Gaza are being coordinated by Israel’s health and defense ministries, with the former assisting in a number of projects in recent weeks, including efforts by international actors to set up field hospitals in Egypt and the arrival of a hospital ship from France.”

Israel’s decision to tap Blair as its humanitarian envoy is curious given the former PM’s central role in perpetuating the “weapons of mass destruction” lies that dragged the UK into war with Iraq in 2003 that resulted in 1 million Iraqis and over 200 UK troops killed.

“We know that he [Saddam] has stockpiles of major amounts of chemical and biological weapons, we know that he is trying to acquire nuclear capability, we know that he is trying to develop ballistic missile capability of a greater range,” Blair falsely claimed in April 2002.

Israel’s continued assault on Gaza has become so politically toxic amid reports of massive casualties that even former President Donald Trump, a staunch supporter of Israel, recently criticized the country’s handling of its offensive in Gaza.

“I think Israel has to do a better job of public relations, frankly, because the other side is beating them at the public relations front,” Trump said last week, adding that the atrocities in the Middle East are “horrible on both sides.”

President Trump no filter:

“I think Israel has to do a better job of public relations, frankly, because the other side is beating them at the public relations.”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 11, 2023

Israel’s disproportionate response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack against the Jewish nation has also galvanized Middle Eastern nations like Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.

The United Nations claimed Israel was violating the basic human rights of Palestinians and adopted a resolution last month with the support of 120 nations urging for an immediate and sustained “humanitarian truce.”


In the midst of the biggest escalation in the war so far, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution for ‘immediate, lasting and sustainable humanitarian ceasefire’

120 countries voted in favor
14 against

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) October 27, 2023

French President Emmanuel Macron even blasted Israel Friday for its wanton destructive tactics in Gaza, calling on it to stop indiscriminate bombing of the region.

“De facto – today, civilians are bombed – de facto. These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed,” Macron said. “So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop.”

How Israel’s appointment of a serial liar and pro-war politician like Blair will improve its international standing amid its war in Gaza remains to be seen.

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