The Middle East conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has come to America

With numerous reports coming in about pro-Palestinian protests at colleges and universities, American Jews, including those in the Jewish enclave of South Florida, are buying guns to feel safer.

One Jewish woman, 48-year-old teacher Vicky Furer, told Bloomberg this week that she will be joining several members of her synagogue in taking shooting lessons at a firing range in Pompano Beach, just north of Fort Lauderdale.

“It’s scary holding this thing, thinking of how I will ever be able to shoot at someone,” Furer said about her firearm.

Many American Jews who historically lean to the “left” politically and generally seem to support gun control are suddenly changing their minds now that “antisemitism” is said to be on the rise in response to Israel’s handling of the Gaza situation.

The latest data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) shows that the number of gun purchase-related criminal background checks in Florida increased by 30 percent in October compared to September.

“This is the first time I really feel unsafe in the U.S.,” said Michele Lazarow, a Hallandale Beach city commissioner. “Maybe it’ll finally be when I get a firearm.”

According to one gun store owner in Hollywood, Florida, even Orthodox Jews have been buying record numbers of firearms, due to fears that they may be attacked inside of the United States.

— DC, Last Legion, Infinity Redux (@DerektheCleric) October 23, 2023

(Related: A lot of what the Western media is publishing right now about the Israel-Gaza conflict is untrue – they are slanting the news in favor of Israel.)

The Middle East conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has come to America

At prominent schools like Harvard University, there has reportedly been a surge of pro-Palestinian protests ever since Israel launched its genocide campaign in Gaza. These protests are said to be scaring Jewish people who feel as though opposition to the Israeli political project in the Middle East constitutes “antisemitism.”

There have been a few reported incidents of Jewish students being harassed by protesters, one receiving a rock to the head at a protest on the Tulane University campus in New Orleans.

In Los Angeles, a 69-year-old man demonstrating in support of Israel’s war died after sustaining a head injury during a fight with a pro-Palestinian protester.

“I wonder how they would cover a bunch of white guys practicing together with firearms due to fears of anti-white attacks,” one commenter wrote about how the media handles Jewish fears of violence versus white fears of violence.


1. Domestic terrorists

2. White supremacists

3. Nazis,” responded another.

“So once again it is the Jews who are the real victims here, not the 12,000 Palestinian women and children they just bombed to death,” wrote another about Israel’s massively outsized response to the Hamas attack.

“The weird thing is that the Palestinians are Semites but the non-Sephardic Hebrews are not,” wrote another about how if we really want to talk about antisemitism here, it must include the people whom Israel is bombing right now.

Others speculated that perhaps in the near future, many American Jews who used to lean left will pivot more to the right as they come to appreciate the Second Amendment and what it represents.

“The time to dig a well is before you are thirsty,” one of them wrote about this sudden rush to arm up across South Florida.

“If you are confronted by an armed thug, I recommend not being afraid of your weapon,” wrote another in response to Furer’s comment about being scared of her gun.

The latest news about the Israel-Gaza conflict can be found at

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