GOP Congressman claims to have proof of busloads of FBI informants embedded in Jan. 6 crowd

FBI Director Christopher Wray was being questioned by Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) during a Wednesday hearing when a Democrat politician tried to stop Higgins from speaking.

Higgins, the Republican committee chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, was grilling Wray about whether or not FBI agents and informants were bused into Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2021 to blend in with Trump supporters and breach the Capitol.

JUST IN: Democrat tries to cut off Rep. Clay Higgins after he triggers FBI Director Wray about questions regarding FBI informants’ involvement on January 6.

Higgins accused the FBI of filling “ghost busses” with FBI informants who dressed up like Trump supporters.

After Higgins…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 15, 2023

When Higgins asked Wray if the FBI was communicating with agents embedded in the Jan. 6 crowd, the director posed a straw man argument by saying no FBI agents took part in any violence that day.

Next, Higgins showed photos of all-white buses parked at Union Station on January 6th and was set to insinuate the FBI brought in two busloads of provocateurs before Maryland Democrat Congressman Glenn Ivey tried to stop him from speaking.

Higgins said the security camera photos of buses were only the tip of the iceberg and objected to his question for Wray being interrupted.

Wrapping up his point, Higgins alleged, “These buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters and deployed into our capitol on January 6. Your day is coming, Mr. Wray.”

It’s worth noting that before being elected to Congress, Higgins had a lengthy career in law enforcement.

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