Biden border crisis reaches historic levels

The number of illegal aliens encountered at the southern border in one day reportedly hit the highest level ever recorded as the Biden mass migration catastrophe spirals wildly out of control.

On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection personnel logged more than 12,000 ‘migrant encounters,’ according to Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin.

The stunning one-day surge came after multiple consecutive days of more than 10,000 encounters along the southwest frontier.

As InfoWars often clarifies, the jaw-dropping figures do not include known or unknown gotaways – or illegal entries via other U.S. borders or ports of entry.

BREAKING: Per CBP sources, there were more than 12,000 migrant encounters at the southern border yesterday, the highest single day total ever recorded. This includes 10,200+ Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants, amongst the highest daily totals for BP ever recorded.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

“Per CBP sources, there were more than 12,000 migrant encounters at the southern border yesterday, the highest single day total ever recorded. This includes 10,200+ Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants, amongst the highest daily totals for BP ever recorded,” Melugin announced via social media on Wednesday morning.

Reminder: Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, who served under President Obama, once said that 1,000 border crossings in a day is a “bad day”, “overwhelms the system”, & that 4,000 in a day is a “crisis”.

The Biden administration just had 12,000+ migrant encounters yesterday.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

Melugin reminded readers that former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson once stated that more than 1,000 apprehensions in 24 hours was a “bad number,” while more than 4,000 was a “crisis.”

“I know that 1,000 overwhelms the system,” Johnson told MSNBC during an interview in 2019.

Massive groups of hundreds illegal aliens are now invading the U.S. at various points along the southern border every few hours.

On a near-daily basis, Border Hawk correspondent Efraín González has been documenting mobs of up to 1,000 illegal aliens crossing the Rio Grande into Eagle Pass, Texas.

This caravan of around a thousand migrants arrived this morning in Piedras Negras to cross to Eagle Pass, Tx.

Large groups have taken this border out of normality, while legal crossings continue to be punished with a closed bridge.

— Efraín González (@efraiinGzz) December 3, 2023

“It is the most chaotic December that has ever been recorded on this border,” González reported on Tuesday.

Another huge group this morning crossing to Esgle Pass. It is the most chaotic December that has ever been recorded on this border.

— Efraín González (@efraiinGzz) December 5, 2023

Every day, around 1,000 illegal aliens are also crossing into Lukeville, Arizona, many of whom are then camping out for lengthy periods while waiting to be picked up and processed by Border Patrol before being released into the U.S.

Good AM from Lukeville, AZ, where there were more mass illegal crossings last night & approximately 800+ illegal immigrants are camped. Huge amounts of adult men from around the world. Lots from Africa. Most tell us they are here for opportunity & plan to go to NYC/blue cities.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

A live look at the situation in Lukeville, AZ this morning, as record high illegal crossings surge along the southern border. Here – masses of adult men from around the globe are crossing – expecting to be released into the US. A group of Syrian men just crossed here as well.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

Chaos unfolds constantly along the U.S.-Mexico border, as Infowars regularly reports.

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