Border Patrol reported illegal migrant encounters reached over 12,000 on Tuesday — the highest ever recorded in a single day.

Jaw-dropping footage from America’s southern border in Arizona shows the devastating swarms of migrants pouring into the US as illegal border crossings hit an all-time high.

On Tuesday, hordes of males from foreign countries who’d illegally crossed from Mexico into America in Lukeville, Arizona, formed massive lines along a border wall queuing up to be processed by Border Patrol agents, where they begin their journey to be granted amnesty under asylum seeker laws.

“I love you, Joe Biden! Thank you for everything, Joe Biden!” one grateful illegal addressed America’s illegitimate president, claiming he seeks to be a productive US citizen.

“I love you, Joe Biden! Thank you for everything, Joe Biden!”

— An illegal immigrant after crossing the southern

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 5, 2023

Independent journalist Anthony Aguero reporting on the ground documented surreal images depicting how illegal aliens who’d still not been processed lit fires and grew unruly as temperatures dropped and night fell.

Arizona Border Takeover

— real Anthony Aguero (@AgueroForTexas) December 6, 2023

“Tonight an illegal alien from Africa tried to ‘pick pocket’ me, another attempted to confront me for recording him harassing female migrants,” Aguero later wrote in an X update. “I’m telling y’all, we are in grave danger. These are not your typical subjects. Start communicating with your neighbors, start a neighborhood crime watch asap.”

Tonight an illegal alien from Africa tried to “pick pocket” me, another attempted to confront me for recording him harassing female migrants. I’m telling y’all, we are in grave danger. These are not your typical subjects. Start communicating with your neighbors, start a…

— real Anthony Aguero (@AgueroForTexas) December 6, 2023

The next morning, Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported on the surge in illegals first hand, explaining how the crowds were mainly comprised of adult males, with ashes from the overnight fires visible along the border wall.

A live look at the situation in Lukeville, AZ this morning, as record high illegal crossings surge along the southern border. Here – masses of adult men from around the globe are crossing – expecting to be released into the US. A group of Syrian men just crossed here as well.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

On Wednesday, US Customs and Border Patrol reported the previous day’s illegal migrant encounters reached over 12,000, the highest ever recorded in a single day.

BREAKING: Per CBP sources, there were more than 12,000 migrant encounters at the southern border yesterday, the highest single day total ever recorded. This includes 10,200+ Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants, amongst the highest daily totals for BP ever recorded.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

Reminder: Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, who served under President Obama, once said that 1,000 border crossings in a day is a “bad day”, “overwhelms the system”, & that 4,000 in a day is a “crisis”.

The Biden administration just had 12,000+ migrant encounters yesterday.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

On Tuesday, one human smuggler shrugged and saluted Fox News’ cameraman after delivering illegals through a hole in the border fence.

NEW: Our cameras were rolling in Lukeville, AZ as groups of illegal immigrants rushed through a breach in the border wall as Border Patrol & federal contractors were trying to fix it. Their human smuggler then shrugs at our cameras & salutes us. Cuts/breaches all over wall here.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 5, 2023

Melugin reports while illegals were invading the border at Lukeville, hordes of migrants were also illegally traversing the US border in Eagle Pass, Texas.

While we are in Lukeville, AZ, we also have a cameraman in Eagle Pass, TX, where mass illegal crossings are also surging. This is part of a huge group that crossed there. Per CBP sources, Border Patrol’s Del Rio sector (Eagle Pass), had 3,300+ illegal crossings yesterday,

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 6, 2023

Pinal County, Arizona, Sheriff and US Senate candidate Mark Lamb explained in a video Tuesday how the federal government was incentivizing illegals to cross the border by providing cell phones, plane tickets and $5,000 gift cards otherwise unavailable to struggling US citizens.

At this point the illegal immigrant influx is so undeniable that even Joe Biden, who famously urged migrants to surge the border during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, is now admitting to Americans that the US border system is broken.

Even Biden can’t hide the truth:

“We need to fix the broken border system. It is broken.”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) December 6, 2023

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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