Biden White House openly extorts Congress with threats of global war unless it authorizes blank check to Military-Industrial Complex.

The Biden regime threatened to deploy U.S. troops into direct conflict with Russia if Congress refuses to approve its $106 billion request for more Ukraine war funding.

In a plea to Congress for more funding before Christmas, Joe Biden baselessly claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to invade NATO countries once Russia has defeated Ukraine.

“If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there,” Biden said. “If Putin attacks a NATO ally — if he keeps going and then he attacks a NATO ally — we’ve committed as a NATO member to defend every inch of NATO territory, and we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops,” Biden said.

President Biden warns Russian President Vladimir Putin “will keep going” if Russia takes Ukraine.

“We cannot let Putin win,” Biden says, as he urges more Ukraine aid funding from Congress.

— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 6, 2023

“We can’t let Putin win.”

He also said Republicans were holding the financial aid “hostage” in a “partisan” bid to get more U.S. border funding.

“Extreme Republicans are playing Chicken with our national security, holding Ukraine’s funding hostage to their extreme partisan border policies!”

BIDEN: “Extreme Republicans are playing Chicken with our national security, holding Ukraine’s funding hostage to their extreme partisan border policies!”

— (@townhallcom) December 6, 2023

The Biden regime has ratcheted up its war fearmongering and baseless talking points about Russia’s military objectives in the face of resistance by members of Congress not to approve more military funding for Ukraine.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in a private briefing with the House Foreign Affairs Committee reiterated Biden’s talking point, claiming Russia fully intends to expand its military campaign to NATO countries around Ukraine.

“If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger following his meeting with Austin.

“And then the idea that we’ll have to put troops on the ground in Secretary Austin’s word was very likely,” McCaul added. “That’s what we’re trying to avoid.”

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen likewise said Tuesday the United States would be “responsible for Ukraine’s defeat” if Congress fails to approve the Biden administration’s $106 billion request to fund the wars in Ukraine and Israel.

“I’ve talked to members of Congress, my colleagues have. I think they understand this, that this is a dire situation and we can hold ourselves responsible for Ukraine’s defeat if we don’t manage to get this funding to Ukraine that’s needed, and I’m including direct budget support here because that’s utterly essential,” Yellen said.

The Biden administration’s talking points about Russian expansion into NATO territory are purely speculative and a total inversion of Washington’s foreign policy given NATO has been aggressively expanding toward Russian territory over the last 30 years.

#1 NATO expansion since 1986: Who is the aggressor?@elonmusk

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 25, 2023

Putin has repeatedly outlined Russia’s military objectives in Ukraine in televised addresses which are censored in the U.S., which don’t include any territorial expansion save for the liberation of the Russian-speaking Donbas territory in Eastern Ukraine.

Watch Biden’s full presser:

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