‘Apparently you’re afraid of my words,’ Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene told Hunter as he scurried away.

During a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill Wednesday, crackhead First Son Hunter Biden stormed out of the building as soon as Georgia GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was set to ask questions.

The Oversight and Judiciary Committees were holding the hearing to decide whether to hold Biden in contempt for refusing to cooperate with their investigation into his shady business dealings.

When Greene was given the microphone to begin questioning Hunter, he immediately stood up with his entourage and left the room.

“Excuse me, Hunter. Apparently, you’re afraid of my words,” MTG told Biden as he fled, adding, “Wow. That’s too bad.”

She wrote on 𝕏, “Hunter Biden just walked in our Oversight hearing to hold him in contempt. Hunter can’t follow the law! Showing up after he’s broken the law by violating his subpoena is not following the law, Hunter must follow the law!! All Hunter has done is break the law.”

Hunter Biden just walked in our Oversight hearing to hold him in contempt.

Hunter can’t follow the law!

Showing up after he’s broken the law by violating his subpoena is not following the law, Hunter must follow the law!!

All Hunter has done is break the law. pic.twitter.com/HTvr7vvUaS

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) January 10, 2024

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) railed against Biden, saying, “You are the epitome of white privilege. Coming in to the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here. I think that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here, right now, and go straight to jail.

🚨 NANCY MACE: I think that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here, right now and go straight to jail pic.twitter.com/WfSsdPgylM

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 10, 2024

During a press gaggle outside the hearing, Hunter was asked by a reporter, “What kind of crack do you normally smoke Mr. Biden?”

Reporter to Hunter Biden: “What kind of crack do you normally smoke Mr. Biden?” pic.twitter.com/uKIz67R4rv

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 10, 2024

“Are you on crack today?” the reporter shouted again.

Someone asks Hunter Biden: “Are you on crack today?” pic.twitter.com/pkBtlshjjR

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 10, 2024

While Hunter walked out of the building, another journalist asked him, “Why did you put your dad on speakerphone if he had nothing to do with your business!? You put him on speaker multiple times to talk to your business partners!”

The First Son answered, “You’re very dangerous!!”

Reporter: “Why did you put your dad on speakerphone if he had nothing to do with your business!? You put him on speaker multiple times to talk to your business partners!”

Hunter Biden: “You’re very dangerous!!” pic.twitter.com/CIjrU3RqqO

— Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) January 10, 2024

It appears as if Hunter has no respect for the congressional hearing taking place, but what will Congress do next in response to this publicity stunt?


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