Squishy world leader plays both sides of issue to confuse and gaslight Canadian people on Covid jabs.

A flashback video reveals Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at one point during the Covid pandemic claimed mRNA vaccines were safe and effective, only to have to backtrack following a multitude of vaccine injuries years later.

In a powerful side-by-side comparison circulating on social media, Trudeau of present-day un-ironically declares he’s aware of misinformation surrounding Covid vaccines, with a flash back to Dec. 2020 showing he at one point claimed “any vaccine we distribute for Canadians will be safe for Canadians.”

@RealAlexJones Canada THEN vs NOW 🤔 🧐 pic.twitter.com/5PxupyiUeu

— 9/11 Revisited (@911Revisionist) May 27, 2024

The video then gets back to present day where Trudeau admits “there are probably people who probably gotten very sick from vaccinations,” illustrating how Trudeau himself was responsible for the spread of misinformation.

The side-by-side is a perfect encapsulation of how the squishy elite manipulate narratives to fit their agendas, gaslighting at every step to shape public opinion while remaining free from repercussions or liability.

This is must watch and share! Trudeau put Canada under medical martial law. He should be charged under the Nuremberg code and put in prison. https://t.co/egk75aicc7

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 27, 2024


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