Total panic is gripping the Democratic Party as Trump stumps in deep-blue territory and raises more money than Biden just 5 months out from the 2024 election.

The Democratic Party is in a “full-blown freakout” over Joe Biden’s reelection prospects amid his terrible polling while former President Donald Trump leads big in swing states, Politico reported.

Politico explained Tuesday that even though Democrats have had a “joyless and exhausting grind” this election cycle, their “anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation” in the face of Biden’s “stubbornly poor polling.”

Democrats know they’re in big trouble but they don’t want to stigmatize themselves by openly acknowledging Biden’s age and policy issues.

“You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying we’re doomed, or the campaign’s bad or Biden’s making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy,” said a Democratic operative in close touch with the White House and granted anonymity to speak freely.

But Biden’s stubbornly poor polling and the stakes of the election “are creating the freakout,” he said.

“This isn’t, ‘Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.’ It’s ‘Oh my God, the democracy might end.’”

Additionally, Politico noted that Trump campaigning in deep-blue areas like New York and New Jersey and outpacing Biden in fundraising hauls over the last month despite his numerous trials has Democrats melting down.

The concern has metastasized in recent days as Trump jaunted to some of the country’s most liberal territories, including New Jersey and New York, to woo Hispanic and Black voters as he boasted, improbably, that he would win in those areas.

While he’s long lagged Biden in cash on hand, Trump’s fundraising outpaced the president’s by $25 million last month, and included a record-setting $50.5 million haul from an event in Palm Beach, Florida. One adviser to major Democratic Party donors provided a running list that has been shared with funders of nearly two dozen reasons why Biden could lose, ranging from immigration and high inflation to the president’s age, the unpopularity of Vice President Kamala Harris and the presence of third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“Donors ask me on an hourly basis about what I think,” the adviser said, calling it “so much easier to show them, so while they read it, I can pour a drink.”

The adviser added, “The list of why we ‘could’ win is so small I don’t even need to keep the list on my phone.”

Biden campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz pushed back against Politico’s reporting, claiming their ground game and messaging against Trump’s “anti-American campaign for revenge” will win them the day.

“Trump’s photo-ops and PR stunts may get under the skin of some very serious D.C. people as compelling campaigning, but they will do nothing to win over the voters that will decide this election,” Munoz told Politico.

“The work we do every day on the ground and on the airwaves in our battleground states — to talk about how President Biden is fighting for the middle class against the corporate greed that’s keeping prices high, and highlight Donald Trump’s anti-American campaign for revenge and retribution and abortion bans — is the work that will again secure us the White House.”

But Trump senior adviser Steven Cheung on Tuesday also argued in tandem with Politico that the Biden campaign is in “complete freakout mode”, citing Biden’s announcement that he will address the verdict in Trump’s NYC trial from the White House.

“Make no mistake, this is election interference of the highest order,” Cheung told reporters outside the NYC courthouse.

Trump Senior Advisor @TheStevenCheung: Make no mistake—This is election interference of the highest order. Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are in complete freakout mode.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 28, 2024

“Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are in complete freakout mode and that’s why they’ve gone back on their word and now they’ve gone in bed with a highly conflicted judge and now they’re making a political mockery of this entire thing.”

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