‘If you want a vision of future America, it will be a horde of cackling illegal aliens jamming their fat sticky hands into your pants demanding GIBS and inviting all their family members to do the same. Forever.’

A basket of Halloween candy left on a porch for trick-or-treaters being pilfered by a small group heard speaking a foreign language is being seen as a representation of how illegal migrants exploit America’s open borders and welfare and assistance programs.

In a viral video, a porch camera captured two women and several children snatching handfuls of Halloween candy, including full-size Crunch bars, Butterfingers, Reese’s cups, and more, emptying the basket and leaving nothing for other trick-or-treaters while speaking in a foreign language.

Disgusting. pic.twitter.com/x5YKY8PCeB

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) November 1, 2023

Conservatives on social media were appalled by the abhorrent selfish behavior, which was interpreted as a microcosm of how America and taxpayers are seen as suckers and taken to the cleaners by illegal aliens exploiting the system.

If you want a vision of future America, it will be a horde of cackling illegal aliens jamming their fat sticky hands into your pants demanding GIBS and inviting all their family members to do the same. Forever.

— Dan Lyman (@realdanlyman) November 1, 2023

I’ve said it a million times:

Liberty is an unguarded cookie jar.

If people can’t be trusted to not take advantage of a vulnerability, liberty must perish. https://t.co/7248wKMA0z

— Harrison H. Smith ✞ (@HarrisonHSmith) November 1, 2023

Mass illegal migration = erosion of social cohesion and trust.

Sound on. pic.twitter.com/SXqH6KkdHD

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 1, 2023

The perfect analogy does exist. pic.twitter.com/cdAHm6iAjX

— Power Tie (@realPowerTie) November 1, 2023

America in a nutshell.

Immigrants take whatever they want and get away with it. pic.twitter.com/7EcSwGpbm4

— iamyesyouareno (@iamyesyouareno) November 1, 2023

The worst kind of people…


— E (@ElijahSchaffer) November 1, 2023

Winner 🥇 pic.twitter.com/REnwvLkIXr

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 1, 2023

The benefits of illegal immigration.

— Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) November 1, 2023

When illegal aliens get into our country: pic.twitter.com/gGVn9fMeKy

— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) November 1, 2023

10% for the Big Guy, massive inflation for you. pic.twitter.com/1l0XsM3tyu

— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) November 1, 2023

These absolute animals. Complete thuggery. Why are most of the fathers never in this community to raise them? pic.twitter.com/VntbR4bmmD

— Malcolm FleX (@Malcolm_fleX48) November 1, 2023

The Halloween version of what happens at our Southern border everyday:

— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) November 1, 2023

Mass Illegal Immigration of Criminals GUARANTEES A Zero Trust Society


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 1, 2023

Some are contrasting the video of the greedy illegals with footage of a young American boy who found an empty Halloween basket — then filled it with his own candy.

We Are NOT The SAME… pic.twitter.com/1kDdiK4lkH

— 𝕰𝖒𝕲 (@Emilio2763) November 1, 2023

While migrants are getting freebies, the American government is evidently leaving US military veterans in need out in the cold.

This video is heartbreaking. Illegal migrants are receiving free accommodations and healthcare while our veterans are suffering like this. pic.twitter.com/pbPbTZlVsM

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 1, 2023

Fortunately, one kind-hearted neighbor refilled the basket.

For the vision to be complete, you need the old White guy refilling the pot with sweets he paid for: pic.twitter.com/SeWUBOuFoL

— The Air Loom 🇫🇷 (@Styx_Boatman) November 1, 2023


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