6: A general view of Dauan Island on March 26, 2021 in Dauan Island, Australia. As sea levels continue to rise, tides have become more destructive and coastal erosion is occurring at a faster rate. New seawalls are being built in different projects around the islands in an effort to hold back rising sea levels. | Photo by Brook Mitchell/Getty Images

Relying solely on seawalls and other engineering fixes won’t be enough to keep communities safe from rising sea levels or other consequences of climate change, a major new United Nations report warns. Seawalls might be able to temporarily fend off rising tides and storm surges, but the report’s authors say more “transformative changes in our behaviour and infrastructure” are needed as the climate crisis worsens.

Greener cities and healthy ecosystems are just as important as built infrastructure for keeping people safe, the report emphasized. And urban planners might need to give up developing some of the most vulnerable coastal areas, or risk building in places that’ll be inundated with water in the future.

Greener cities and healthy…

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