Apple’s plans for a smart display suffer a Siri-related setback
The iPhone StandBy feature shows what an Apple smart display could look like. Late last week, Apple delayed its big Siri AI upgrade, and it seems that will take the…
EPGN Story
The iPhone StandBy feature shows what an Apple smart display could look like. Late last week, Apple delayed its big Siri AI upgrade, and it seems that will take the…
Women and their allies took to the streets of cities and towns from coast to coast Saturday for a “Unite and Resist” national day of action against the Trump administration…
If Indi Tisoy has a single dream, it is to reach the United States. Her desire is so strong, in fact, that she waits at the border because it makes…
As President Donald Trump wrapped up his first term in 2020, he signed legislation to protect Americans from surprise medical bills. “This must end,” Trump said. “We’re going to hold…
As billionaire Elon Musk seizes control over vast swaths of the U.S. government, blurring the line between his private business empire and the state, some analysts have begun to call…
Advocates breathed a sigh of relief in March 2022 when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced it would stop holding federal immigration prisoners at the Etowah County Detention Center, an…
“We’ve been ripped off at levels never seen before, and what we’re going to do is get it back,” president says.
Bumbling criminals “struggled to operate” motorbike before crashing and being easily caught
Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 74, your guide to the best and Verge-iest stuff in the world. (If youâre new here, welcome, sorry in advance for my terrible TV…
Trump admin appears to be ramping up worksite enforcement operations amid a broader push to remove illegal aliens from the U.S.